ABM’s stories appeal to a wide audience – that much I know, not only because of the ethnically diverse cast but also because of the different age groups represented. The creators of ABM know that questions surrounding our identity do not end once your formal education is completed. Who you are is a question you can ask at any time of your life. In order to tell those stories and remain relevant to a demographic that contains a lot of young people you’ve got to get some pretty good talent to tell those stories, enter Barbara Pitts.
As Vivian’s Aunt Jodie, Barbara has been part of some of my favourite ABM moments, including the scene that made me realise that Vivian is actually a superhero who just hasn’t realised her powers yet. After much arranging and re-arranging I finally managed to get the actor behind everyone’s favourite aunt to sit down and talk ABM with me.
We discussed her hopes for Season Three and what it’s like to work with the cast. Whilst we sat talking on our opposite sides of the ocean I learnt that she and I share an over-active imagination and that there is perhaps a reason stars and fans aren’t allowed to write scenes. However, we didn’t half have fun coming up with a few ABM scenarios we’d like to see – I hope you’re paying attention Susan Miller and Tina Cesa Ward! And if you are, Sophie had better watch out!
ABMFans: How did you become involved with ABM?
Barbara: Susan Miller asked me to audition for Aunt Jodie. They described her as a “Tina Fey” type, so I wore my glasses through the whole audition. And I LERVE Tina Fey, so I was psyched they thought I had the right mix of sassy, smart and maybe a little bit cute in a nerdy way.
ABMFans: So you already knew Susan?
Barbara: I had done a reading/workshop of a play of Susan’s a few years back and in 1996 Susan and I shared a double bill of our solo shows. She was the headliner with her Obie-winning play ‘My Left Breast’ and I had put together a totally charming one woman Dorothy Parker show called ‘Excuse My Dust.’ Susan doesn’t remember me from 1996, but life is funny how people recur in your life, huh?
ABMFans: It truly is.
Barbara: When I first came to NYC as an actress in 1993-95, they always wanted a Helen Hunt type for everything. That show Mad About You was having its heyday. I am so relieved we now live in Tina Fey’s world!
ABMFans: I have to confess (and Rachael will probably shoot me for this, and probably Tina too), I’m not all too familiar with Tina Fey’s work. I have Season One of 30 Rock on DVD but I haven’t gotten round to watching it yet. The most I’ve seen of her work was during the 08 election and she was doing the Palin parodies. Oh, and I saw that movie Baby Mama. But I definitely remember the Helen Hunt heyday period.
Barbara: 30 Rock is the best comedy writing in America today. And I love how Tina Fey’s character Liz Lemon loves to eat meatball subs and is crazy about ham. But enough about her! This is my moment!! Rachael and I like the same shows – Dr. Who, Battlestar Gallactica.
ABMFans: Did you see her TARDIS outfit for Halloween? Best. Costume. Ever.
Barbara: OMG! I love it! She is such a goon!
ABMFans: She is…many things; you just don’t know what to do with her. But back to you, how excited are you now that the announcement’s been made that there will be at least five episodes of Season Three?
Barbara: Super excited, is the level of excited I am. Most of my acting has been in plays so the characters go through the same event every night. It’s such fun to play a character who is always evolving.
ABMFans: What would you like to see happen with Aunt Jodie next season? There’s still all that tension between her and Gabe now that she knows Vivian is gay and that he didn’t tell her.
Barbara: When we filmed that last episode, my husband played the tall fireman – the cook. And I could see Susan’s wheels turning that maybe there could be a storyline there. That would be fun. I don’t know about the Gabe/Aunt Jodie thing. I think there is some potentially funny/awkward moments to come as Jodie tries to be all supportive. She will probably like, start watching Ellen, or join PFLAG or something. Then again, with only five episodes, not sure how much screen-time the adventures of Aunt Jodie we’ll see! It’s very sad; she really needs her own show.
ABMFans: Yeah watch out for Susan, she’s tricky. Aunt Jodie does, perhaps you guys should produce some content with just Aunt Jodie’s adventures to tide us over until the new season starts.
Barbara: I think that’s a great idea – Aunt Jodie could do some podcasts on “How to be supportive of your teenage lesbian niece.”
ABMFans: Yes! I am in full support of that idea. They did all those little snippets with the playlist and Aster’s video essay. I think there’s scope there for some Aunt Jodie times. What other storylines would you like to see explored more next season?
Barbara: I want to know about Sophie’s illicit grown up lovah man! Of course we have to get this pill popping confusion cleared up. I would love to see a return of Vivian’s mom, but again – more adults? Probably not what the fan base is looking for. I would like to gross out all the young people, and have a big tongue kiss with Gabe. Rachael and I like to suggest, often, that her mom be played by Jennifer Beals.
ABMFans: Well Susan does have the L-Word connection. I think she should make it happen. I think when I was talking to Jessy we said perhaps Sarah Paulson could play her mum and she would start dating Gabe.
Barbara: We are always trying to make a back-story that makes sense of Rachael being so dark haired. If Gabe is her dad and he is fair haired, and I’m her mum’s sister, what gives with this half-Asian niece??
ABMFans: Very true. Just where did you guys get Vivian from? It would definitely be interesting to get Vivian’s mum in the mix, especially with Aunt Jodie trying to be that sort of figure and already feeling left out because she didn’t know about Vivian’s sexuality because her mum probably wouldn’t even know either as I get the impression she hasn’t been around for quite some time. See, there’s all these things we need resolved. We need more than five episodes and certainly many many more seasons. ABM certainly has enough story for it. How would you like to see Aunt Jodie and Vivian’s relationship develop now that you know Aster isn’t just her friend?
Barbara: I like that Susan has made it a bit complicated for Jodie. She wants to be right there, and it’s just…awkward to now know. But hopefully, Vivian and Jodie can bond more now. I had a vision of a scene where she cries in Jodie’s arms over Aster’s betrayal and/or her confusion about Sophie. I would like to have a moment like that. I have loved Rachael since the moment we read together at the audition. She is so real and approachable and as we have already covered, such a ding dang dork and yet so beautiful. And filming the scene where she came out was so fulfilling. She is amazing to act with.
ABMFans: The fans are pretty fanatical about the show, and it’s received a lot of recognition, how do you feel about the reaction the show’s received?
Barbara: It’s not to be taken lightly – people are self producing content all over the web. It’s not easy to capture so much recognition. I think it’s a perfect storm of elements that make something like this work and we have it. Having been a creator of The Laramie Project and experienced the impact that play and HBO film have had over the last decade, it makes a weird kind of sense that my next impactful acting work would also serve the cause. I think of it as the cause to make the world safe for people to love who they want to love.
ABMFans: Good cause to be a part of.
Barbara: Ya, thanks for doing your part!
ABMFans: What can I say? I’m a fan; I mostly blame you people for giving me something to be fanatical about.
Barbara: In terms of the “perfect storm” of why we get recognition…it would be one thing if ABM just got writing awards, or we just got linked to other lesbian-centric sites. But when Rachel won the Streamy, it was pretty clear that with great writing, characters, acting, directing AND all the amazing, tireless work Susan and Tina do promoting ABM, the fans who are supposed to find us, can.
ABMFans: Trust me, they’re out there but we’re still trying to get the word out. It was awesome when Rachael won the award. I was jumping around like a crazy person at 3am. The majority of your scenes are with Rachael, and Dan, which of the other actors would you most like to have some scenes with? Not that Rachael isn’t great of course, but you know, it’s nice to change things up.
Barbara: Well, I can imagine a rich friendship between Aster and Jodie. I think they would make each other laugh. I feel like Jodie could ask Aster candid questions and she wouldn’t get all squishy and weirded out the way Vivian has to, because it’s her Aunt. I really like Jessy Hodges (and not just because she is family friends with the actor Bruce Campbell whom I have adored since I first saw him play a devil character on the X-Files). I wonder what Sophie and Jodie could have a scene about. They have been neighbours her whole life. Why does Jodie have that big house by herself in Westchester? Is she divorced or what Gemma?
ABMFans: You would think being neighbours they’d talk, especially enough for her to get her niece to play with her when they were kids. Hmm, maybe there’s some sort of feud. I haven’t even seen Sophie in her house. And yes, the Bruce Campbell connection is definitely reason enough.
Barbara: Oooooo! Flashback!!! Little Sophie and lil’ Viv meeting and Jodie making Viv play with her…what year would that be? Let’s be sure to get all these great ideas to Susan. We can rename the show No-one But Jodie.
ABMFans: I like it! There’s definitely more to Aunt Jodie. No-one But Jodie: The Westchester Years! Pre-quel. They did it with Dallas, and it would be the 80s which means Bruce Campbell would have to guest star.
Barbara: That wouldn’t make these kids like 22? Let’s do some math.
ABMFans: Shoots, showing my age. It would be the 90s.
Barbara: Bruce Campbell can play my rakish ex-husband. Jennifer Beal is my sister, adopted sister.
ABMFans: I’m pitching this to Susan.
Barbara: Too bad, I looked awesome in the 80s with my bi-level perm.
ABMFans: Well there can always be flashback scenes.
Barbara: He could FUND it.
ABMFans: Viv’s mum and dad have to have met somewhere. 80s high school is definitely an option. Or you know, you and your sister take a trip to NY and she falls head over heels with the handsome young fireman.
Barbara: In one of the first episodes, we say Dan was always getting me out of trouble.
ABMFans: I know the episode, when Vivian’s late coming home coz she went to get burgers with Arch.
Barbara: Maybe he and Jennifer Beals have to get me out of jail and because he is a fireman, his cop buddy lets me out of the slammer.
ABMFans: See, there are many many avenues we could take with this.
Barbara: How do the writers ever narrow it down?
ABMFans: They have sensible caps on that include things like budgets and shooting schedules.
Barbara: Maybe Sophie had an affair with MY ex-husband.
ABMFans: OOOHHHH!!!! YES!!! The older man! I think you’ve cracked it. That’s why she’s never at the house. And remember in the first ep when she was looking up at the window? Maybe she thought he was back!
Barbara: Yes! And let’s say Viv had Sophie over and Jodie came home early, suddenly sweet Aunt Jodie would be like, “I told you if I ever saw you in this house again I would ruin your life. Get ready for HELL TO RAIN DOWN ON YOU, SOPHIE!!”
ABMFans: Jessy knows how to use nunchucks, just to warn you. It could get dangerous.
Barbara: We would need to get that Matrix/Charlie’s Angels slow mo, harness fighting budget.
ABMFans: I think it should definitely be done. It would be beyond awesome, and Aster would have your back.
Barbara: I know, Sophie would be about to take her last nunchuck swing at my bloody swollen face and Aster would take her OUT.
ABMFans: I’m all for Aster taking Sophie out.
Barbara: Meanwhile Viv would be like, “Whatevs. I’m the comic book superhero!”
ABMFans: Not that I advocate violence in any way, but Sophie needs to be taken out of the equation. I can imagine Viv being that kind of geeky.
Barbara: Ohhh, you have revealed your side of this much raged debate. Sophie or Aster?
ABMFans: Trust me; it is well known which side I’m on. No one would ever mistake me for being Team Sophie; although many are surprised I’m not Team Vivian. Since you brought it up, are you Team Sophie or Team Aster?
Barbara: You know me, I’m on the, “Let’s make the world safe to love who you wanna love” side.
ABMFans: You could be a politician.
Barbara: I don’t think Sophie is gay, so I don’t really think there is an issue. I think Aster’s jealousy is beneath her and if Viv is already starting a life of falling for straight girls, woe to her!
ABMFans: This is what those kids need, a bit of sensible advice.
Barbara: But I like the bi-curious thread, I think unless you are very un-curious as a person, it’s something everyone can identify with, ya?
ABMFans: Absolutely.
ABM’s stories appeal to a wide audience – that much I know, not only because of the ethnically diverse cast but also because of the different age groups represented. The creators of ABM know that questions surrounding our identity do not end once your formal education is completed. Who you are is a question you can ask at any time of your life. In order to tell those stories and remain relevant to a demographic that contains a lot of young people you’ve got to get some pretty good talent to tell those stories, enter Barbara Pitts.
As Vivian’s Aunt Jodie, Barbara Pitts has been part of some of my favourite ABM moments, including the scene that made me realise that Vivian is actually a superhero who just hasn’t realised her powers yet. After much arranging and re-arranging I finally managed to get the actor behind everyone’s favourite aunt to sit down and talk ABM with me.
We discussed her hopes for Season Three and what it’s like to work with the cast. Whilst we sat talking on our opposite sides of the ocean I learnt that she and I share an over-active imagination and that there is perhaps a reason stars and fans aren’t allowed to write scenes. However, we didn’t half have fun coming up with a few ABM scenarios we’d like to see – I hope you’re paying attention Susan Miller and Tina Cesa Ward!
ABMFans: How did you become involved with ABM?
Barbara: Susan Miller asked me to audition for Aunt Jodie. They described her as a “Tina Fey” type, so I wore my glasses through the whole audition. And I LERVE Tina Fey, so I was psyched they thought I had the right mix of sassy, smart and maybe a little bit cute in a nerdy way.
ABMFans: So you already knew Susan?
Barbara: I had done a reading/workshop of a play of Susan’s a few years back and in 1996 Susan and shared a double bill of our solo shows. She was the headliner with her Obie-winning play ‘My Left Breast’ and I had put together a totally charming one woman Dorothy Parker show called ‘Excuse My Dust.’ Susan doesn’t remember me from 1996, but life is funny how people recur in your life, huh?
ABMFans: it truly is
Barbara: When I first came to NYC as an actress in 1993-95, they always wanted a Helen Hunt type for everything. That show Mad About You was having its heyday. I am so relieved we now live in Tina Fey’s world!
ABMFans: I have to confess (and Rachael will probably shoot me for this, and probably Tina too), I’m not all too familiar with Tina Fey’s work. I have Season One of 30 Rock on DVD but I haven’t gotten round to watching it yet. The most I’ve seen of her work was during the 08 election and she was doing the Palin parodies. Oh, and I saw that movie Baby Mama. But I definitely remember the Helen Hunt heyday period.
Barbara: 30 Rock is the best comedy writing in America today. And I love how Tina Fey’s character Liz Lemon loves to eat meatball subs and is crazy about ham. But enough about her! This is my moment!! Rachael and I like the same shows – Dr. Who, Battlestar Gallactica.
ABMFans: Did you see her TARDIS outfit for Halloween? Best. Costume. Ever. http://twitpic.com/32rpsz
Barbara: OMG! I love it! She is such a goon!
ABMFans: She is…many things; you just don’t know what to do with her. But back to you, how excited are you now that the announcement’s been made that there will be at least five episodes of Season Three?
Barbara: Super excited, is the level of excited I am. Most of my acting has been in plays so the characters go through the same event every night. It’s such fun to play a character who is always evolving.
ABMFans: What would you like to see happen with Aunt Jodie next season? There’s still all that tension between her and Gabe now that she knows Vivian is gay and that he didn’t tell her.
Barbara: When we filmed that last episode, my husband played the tall fireman – the cook. And I could see Susan’s wheels turning that maybe there could be a storyline there. That would be fun. I don’t know about the Gabe/Aunt Jodie thing. I think there is some potentially funny/awkward moments to come as Jodie tries to be all supportive. She will probably like, start watching Ellen, or join PFLAG or something. Then again, with only five episodes, not sure how much screen-time the adventures of Aunt Jodie we’ll see! It’s very sad; she really needs her own show.
ABMFans: Yeah watch out for Susan, she’s tricky. Aunt Jodie does, perhaps you guys should produce some content with just Aunt Jodie’s adventures to tide us over until the new season starts.
Barbara: I think that’s a great idea – Aunt Jodie could do some podcasts on “How to be supportive of your teenage lesbian niece.”
ABMFans: Yes! I am in full support of that idea. They did all those little snippets with the playlist and Aster’s video essay. I think there’s scope there for some Aunt Jodie times. What other storylines would you like to see explored more next season?
Barbara: I want to know about Sophie’s illicit grown up lovah man! Of course we have to get this pill popping confusion cleared up. I would love to see a return of Vivian’s mom, but again – more adults? Probably not what the fan base is looking for. I would like to gross out all the young people, and have a big tongue kiss with Gabe. Rachael and I like to suggest, often, that her Mom be played by Jennifer Beals.
ABMFans: Well Susan does have the L-Word connection. I think she should make it happen. I think when I was talking to Jessy we said perhaps Sarah Paulson could play her mum and she would start dating Gabe.
Barbara: We are always trying to make a back-story that makes sense of Rachael being so dark haired. If Gabe is her dad and he is fair haired, and I’m her mum’s sister, what gives with this half-Asian niece??
ABMFans: Very true. Just where did you guys get Vivian from? It would definitely be interesting to get Vivian’s mum in the mix, especially with Aunt Jodie trying to be that sort of figure and already feeling left out because she didn’t know about Vivian’s sexuality because her mum probably wouldn’t even know either as I get the impression she hasn’t been around for quite some time. See, there’s all these things we need resolved. We need more than five episodes and certainly many many more seasons. ABM certainly has enough story for it. How would you like to see Aunt Jodie and Vivian’s relationship develop now that you know Aster isn’t just her friend?
Barbara: I like that Susan has made it a bit complicated for Jodie. She wants to be right there, and it’s just…awkward to now know. But hopefully, Vivian and Jodie can bond more now. I had a vision of a scene where she cries in Jodie’s arms over Aster’s betrayal and/or her confusion about Sophie. I would like to have a moment like that. I have loved Rachael since the moment we read together at the audition. She is so real and approachable and as we have already covered, such a ding dang dork and yet so beautiful. And filming the scene where she came out was so fulfilling. She is amazing to act with. It was nice to have a scene where Jodie wasn’t just the kooky comic relief!
ABMFans: The fans are pretty fanatical about the show, and it’s received a lot of recognition, how do you feel about the reaction the show’s received?
Barbara: It’s not to be taken lightly – people are self producing content all over the web. It’s not easy to capture so much recognition. I think it’s a perfect storm of elements that make something like this work and we have it. Having been a creator of The Laramie Project and experienced the impact that play and HBO film have had over the last decade, it makes a weird kind of sense that my next impactful acting work would also serve the cause. I think of it as the cause to make the world safe for people to love who they want to love.
ABMFans: Good cause to be a part of
Barbara: Ya, thanks for doing your part!
ABMFans: What can I say? I’m a fan; I mostly blame you people for giving me something to be fanatical about
Barbara: In terms of the “perfect storm” of why we get recognition…it would be one thing if ABM just got writing awards, or we just got linked to other lesbian-centric sites. But when Rachel won the Streamy, it was pretty clear that with great writing, characters, acting, directing AND all the amazing, tireless work Susan and Tina do promoting ABM, the fans who are supposed to find us, can.
ABMFans: Trust me, they’re out there but we’re still trying to get the word out. It was awesome when Rachael won the award. I was jumping around like a crazy person at 3am. The majority of your scenes are with Rachael, and Dan, which of the other actors would you most like to have some scenes with? Not that Rachael isn’t great of course, but you know, it’s nice to change things up.
Barbara: Well, I can imagine a rich friendship between Aster and Jodie. I think they would make each other laugh. I feel like Jodie could ask Aster candid questions and she wouldn’t get all squishy and weirded out the way Vivian has to, because it’s her Aunt. I really like Jessy Hodges (and not just because she is family friends with the actor Bruce Campbell whom I have adored since I first saw him play a devil character on the X-Files). I wonder what Sophie and Jodie could have a scene about. They have been neighbours her whole life. Why does Jodie have that big house by herself in Westchester? Is she divorced or what Gemma?
ABMFans: You would think being neighbours they’d talk, especially enough for her to get her niece to play with her when they were kids. Hmm, maybe there’s some sort of feud. I haven’t even seen Sophie in her house. And yes, the Bruce Campbell connection is definitely reason enough.
Barbara: Oooooo! Flashback!!! Little Sophie and lil’ Viv meeting and Jodie making Viv play with her…what year would that be? Let’s be sure to get all these great ideas to Susan. WE can rename the show No-one But Jodie.
ABMFans: I like it! There’s definitely more to Aunt Jodie. No-one But Jodie: The Westchester Years! Pre-quel. They did it with Dallas, and it would be the 80s which means Bruce Campbell would have to guest star.
Barbara: That wouldn’t make these kids like 22? Let’s do some math.
ABMFans: Shoots, showing my age. It would be the 90s.
Barbara: Bruce Campbell can play my rakish ex-husband. Jennifer Beal is my sister, adopted sister.
ABMFans: I’m pitching this to Susan.
Barbara: Too bad, I looked awesome in the 80s with my bi-level perm.
ABMFans: Well there can always be flashback scenes.
Barbara: He could FUND it.
ABMFans: Viv’s mum and dad have to have met somewhere. 80s high school is definitely an option. Or you know, you and your sister take a trip to NY and she falls head over heels with the handsome young fireman.
Barbara: In one of the first episodes, we say Dan was always getting me out of trouble.
ABMFans: I know the episode, when Vivian’s late coming home coz she went to get burgers with Arch.
Barbara: Maybe he and Jennifer Beals have to get me out of jail and because he is a fireman, his cop buddy lets me out of the slammer.
ABMFans: See, there are many many avenues we could take with this.
Barbara: How do the writers ever narrow it down?
ABMFans: They have sensible caps on that include things like budgets and shooting schedules.
Barbara: Maybe Sophie had an affair with MY ex-husband.
ABMFans: OOOHHHH!!!! YES!!! The older man! I think you’ve cracked it. That’s why she’s never at the house. And remember in the first ep when she was looking up at the window? Maybe she thought he was back!
Barbara: Yes! And let’s say Viv had Sophie over and Jodie came home early, suddenly sweet Aunt Jodie would be like, “I told you if I ever saw you in this house again I would ruin your life. Get ready for HELL TO RAIN DOWN ON YOU, SOPHIE!!”
ABMFans: Jessy knows how to use nunchucks, just to warn you. It could get dangerous.
Barbara: We would need to get that Matrix/Charlie’s Angels slow mo, harness fighting budget.
ABMFans: I think it should definitely be done. It would be beyond awesome, and aster would have your back.
Barbara: I know, Sophie would be about to take her last nunchuck swing at my bloody swollen face and Aster would take her OUT.
ABMFans: I’m all for Aster taking Sophie out
Barbara: Meanwhile Viv would be like, “Whatevs. I’m the comic book superhero!”
ABMFans: Not that I advocate violence in any way, but Sophie needs to be taken out of the equation. I can imagine Viv being that kind of geeky.
Barbara: Ohhh, you have revealed your side of this much raged debate. Sophie or Aster?
ABMFans: Trust me; it is well known which side I’m on. No one would ever mistake me for being Team Sophie; although many are surprised I’m not Team Vivian. Since you brought it up, are you Team Sophie or Team Aster?
Barbara: You know me, I’m on the, “Let’s make the world safe to love who you wanna love” side.
ABMFans: You could be a politician.
Barbara: I don’t think Sophie is gay, so I don’t really think there is an issue. I think Aster’s jealousy is beneath her and if Viv is already starting a life of falling for straight girls, woe to her!
ABMFans: This is what those kids need, a bit of sensible advice.
Barbara: But I like the bi-curious thread, I think unless you are very un-curious as a person, it’s something everyone can identify with, ya?
ABMFans: Absolutely.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Anyone But Me Fans, sarah ann james. sarah ann james said: ok, let the best news, updating the website of ABM Fans
Interview with Aunt Jodie – Barbara Pitts McAdams http://fb.me/Mq5Bz4NH […]
congrats for the interview :), i liked so much!, B.Pitts is so funny!! seems to be a really nice person ( and she is an xfiles fan, so cool ! ), and yeah Aunt Jodie rocks ! she has many imagination for the future storyline on Abm jeje
i want to now too what will happen between aunt jodie and gabe, i think will be interesting to see them like a couple :), and i always liked so much the scenes between b.pitts and rachael hf :), two talented actresses