gemified | April 3rd, 2012 - 12:00 am
Back to the Beginning

“Back to the Beginning”
One final episode of Anyone But Me, one final review. How is it possible to enjoy the moments that you know will take the show you have come to love to an end? Simple, put it in the hands of Tina Cesa Ward and Susan Miller and let the cast of ABM do what they were born to do.

gemified | January 17th, 2012 - 12:00 am
And the Awards Still Go To...

“And the Awards still go to…”
Getting 2012 off to a flying start, the ABM mantle piece already has new additions having been in receipt of and International Academy of Web Television accolades. It seems that when award season comes around everyone still remembers the little show that could.

gemified | November 29th, 2011 - 12:00 am

“ABM Fix – November 2011”
As we run around trying to not let the holiday preparations overwhelm us some of our favourite ABMers have been busy too. Take a look at what they’ve been up to as well as what is headed our way in the new year.

gemified | September 27th, 2011 - 8:00 pm

“ABM Fix – September 2011”
With the news breaking last week of what is happening with ABM it may still be too long to wait until you get your ABM fix. So what else are they up to in the meantime? Here’s where you can find out.

gemified | August 30th, 2011 - 12:00 am

“ABM Fix – August 2011”
Every ABM fans remains addicted to their ABM. Whilst we eagerly await news of what’s happening with our beloved show here is news of how some of our favourite ABMers are spending their time in the space between seasons.

gemified | June 21st, 2011 - 12:01 am
One Reigns Supreme

“One Reigns Supreme”
After hard fought battles in which the combatants dug deep into the depths of ABM knowledge a Champion has emerged! Susan ‘Mad Dog’ Miller has claimed the ABM Ultimate Mastermind Championship and now reigns supreme at the top of the leader board. Let her take the moment to revel in the defeat of her opponents.

gemified | May 24th, 2011 - 12:00 am
ABM UMC - Round Three!

“ABM Ultimate Mastermind Challenge: Round Three”
Round Three of the ABM UMC sees the defending Mastermind Champion, Tina ‘The Slayer’ Cesa Ward, face off against and unknown yet formidable opponent. Many may not be familiar with Maggie Zerger, however they should not underestimate her ABM knowledge. Will The Slayer leave her challenger, and all other contestants quaking in fear once the bell rings?

gemified | March 15th, 2011 - 12:00 am
Fan Access

“Fan Access”
What’s it like for a fan on the set of the most-anticipated web series around? ABM fan and awesome Tweeter, McKenzie, shares her experience of a dream come true having successfully bid on the chance to have a walk-on-role in S3. We know they must do some work…but just what else do they get up to?

gemified | March 1st, 2011 - 12:00 am
ABM Fans Wants YOU!

“ABM Fans Wants YOU!”
With the ABM team putting forward their challengers in the ABM Ultimate Mastermind Challenge it is time for the fans to show they fear no ABMer! With ABM goodies up for grabs for all those who participate as well as the UMC Champion title on the line will you answer the call?

gemified | March 1st, 2011 - 12:00 am
One Lump or Two Tina?

Whenever Tina Cesa Ward gets interviewed they talk to her about making ABM, as its co-writer, director, and editor it’s only fitting. However, it’s always fun to just sit and talk about the randomness of life. I always knew that Tina was cool for all the right reasons, I just hadn’t realised how right I was in that assumption.